
Taito CLI

An extensible toolkit for DevOps and NoOps.

Get started
See the tutorial

Standard command set

Use the same simple command set from project to project no matter the technology or infrastructure. Easily manage your containers, functions, databases, object storages, and legacy applications wherever they are deployed. Just add a taito configuration file to your project, and you’re good to go.

taitoopen client:test
taitodb copy:dev test
taitodb connect:test

Any cloud, hybrid cloud, multicloud

Deploy your applications to multiple platforms without any extra hassle. Leverage public cloud for fluent collaboration between in-house and external personnel during development. Deploy to on-premises to meet the extra security requirements of a production environment.

taitozone create gcp
taitozone create vmware
taitoproject create full-stack-template
taitoenv apply:dev
taitoenv apply:test
taitoenv apply:canary
taitoenv apply:prod
taitoenv merge:dev canary

Simple to use

Many daily tasks, such as connecting to a database, can be extremely tedious. Before actually connecting to the database, you have to locate the correct database cluster, the correct database in it, and the credentials for database access. You may also have to establish a secure tunnel by using a proxy.

With Taito CLI you achieve all this with a one simple command.

taitodb connect:test
#Without Taito CLI:
psqlpsql -h -p 5001 -d acme_chat_test -U acme_chat_test

No lock-in

Taito CLI is a lightweight wrapper that reduces technology and vendor lock-in by providing a standard command set on top of various platform specific tools. You just run a simple taito command, and Taito CLI runs a number of platform or technology specific commands under the hood based on your configuration.

However, you can use all the tools also directly without Taito CLI. Therefore you can stop using Taito CLI at any time, if you like. There is no lock-in with Taito CLI.

taito--verbose status:dev
kubectlconfig set-context acme-chat-dev --cluster=gke_my-gcp_europe-west1-c_my-kube1 --user=gke_my-gcp_europe-west1-c_my-kube1 --namespace=acme-chat-dev
kubectlconfig use-context acme-chat-dev
kubectlget cronjobs
kubectlget pods
kubectltop pod
kubectlget pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}" | tr -s '[[:space:]]' ' ' | sort | uniq
helmlist --namespace acme-chat-dev

All tools included

Working with modern hybrid cloud environments requires lots of tools. Taito CLI Docker container image contains all the tools you need, and you can upgrade it anytime by running:

taito upgrade

And if you need something special, it is very easy to customize the Taito CLI image with your own requirements.

taito-- terraform apply
taito-- kubectl get pods --namespace acme-chat-dev
taito-- aws ec2 describe-instances
taito-- az network nic list
taito-- gcloud dns managed-zones list


Add Taito CLI support for any technology by implementing a Taito CLI plugin. Create custom commands and share them with your colleagues as Taito CLI extensions. Implement project specific Taito CLI commands with npm or make.

taitobasket add pizza margherita
taitohours add 6.5

Uniform conventions

Maintain good and uniform conventions by providing reusable infrastructure templates and project templates. Use the same conventions no matter the technology or infrastructure.

Customize software development workflows for your organization with custom Taito CLI extensions.

taito_global_plugins="myorg-git-global ..."