1. Introduction2. Installation and upgrade3. Quick start4. Usage5. Configuration6. Continuous integration and delivery7. Infrastructure management8. ChatOps9. Custom commands10. Custom plugins11. Custom project templates12. Taito CLI development

4. Usage

The basics

Taito CLI is configured with a file placed at your project root directory. You can execute taito commands anywhere in the project directory hierarchy, that is, at the project root directory or any of its subdirectories. When you are not located inside a project directory, only global Taito CLI plugins are enabled and therefore only a small subset of taito commands are enabled.

Run taito -h to show a list of all predefined commands of Taito CLI and additional custom commands provided by currently enabled plugins. Run taito COMMAND -h to search for a command help; try for example taito db -h, taito feat -h or taito env -h. Write taito and hit tab, and you'll get autocompletion for taito commands.

Some of the plugins require authentication. If you encounter a connection or authorization error, run taito auth:ENV inside a project directory to authenticate in the context of a project environment (for example taito auth:dev).

Taito CLI tutorial guides you through common software development scenarios in a chronological order. You may consider it as a chronological Taito CLI manual.

See the of the full-stack-template as an example on how to use Taito CLI with your project.


Run taito trouble to see troubleshooting. You can read troubleshooting also at GitHub.

With the -v or --verbose flag (e.g. taito -v db connect:dev) you can see the commands that plugins run during command execution. If you want to see even more output, use the --debug flag.

Advanced usage

Multiple organizations

If you work for multiple organizations, you may define organization specific overrides in ~/.taito/ file. You can use these setting with the -o option when you execute a command outside a project directory, for example taito -o ORGANIZATION open intra. The -o option is most useful combined with the project create command as it will tell Taito CLI to initialize the new project using the organization specific default settings, for example: taito -o ORGANIZATION project create full-stack-template.

Project references

You can execute project specific commands also outside the project directory with the -p option, for example taito -p my-project open logs:prod. The command reads the file directly from remote git repository, and therefore the git repository need not be cloned to your local disk. The -p options works only if you have configured vc_organization setting in you default or additional file.

TODO: The current implementation clones the whole repository on the first run. Therefore the command may execute slowly on the first run.

Running shell commands

You can easily run any shell command inside the Taito CLI container, for example: taito -- kubectl get pods --namespace my-project-dev. You can also start an interactive shell inside the container: taito shell. Thus, you never need to install any infrastructure specific tools on your own operating system.

Setting current context for shell commands

Running taito auth:ENV also sets the default context for currently enabled plugins. For example, if the kubectl plugin is enabled, you can run taito auth:ENV to set the default context for kubectl (Kubernetes cluster and namespace). After that you can execute a bunch of kubectl commands, and all of them will execute in the default context previously set by the auth command. For example:

taito auth:dev
taito -- kubectl get secrets
taito -- kubectl get secret my-secret -o yaml

Installing additional tools to local Taito CLI image

You can install additional tools to your local Taito CLI image:

taito -r shell                             # Start shell as root user
apt-get update                             # Retrieve new lists of packages
apt-get install PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]      # Install some packages
taito util commit                          # Commit changes to the Taito CLI image
exit                                       # Exit Taito CLI shell

These changes are in effect until the next time you run taito upgrade. If you want to make permanent changes, put your installation scripts in ~/.taito/install executable. It will be run as root user during taito upgrade. Note that /taito-cli-deps/tools directory of Taito CLI image contains some reusable install scripts that you can also use in your install script.

Building and distributing a customized Taito CLI image

You can use Docker Hub or some other container registry to build and distribute a custom Taito CLI image. This way you can make a customized Taito CLI image for your organization, or for your CI/CD pipeline. The default Taito CLI image is configured in ~/.taito/ with the taito_image setting.

Admin credentials

Many tools require you to authenticate only once and then you can run any command without supplying your password again. For this reason Taito CLI supports a separate admin account for accessing critical resources.

With the -a, --admin option you specify that you would like to run the given command as admin. For example, you can authenticate as admin by running taito -a auth:prod and then execute a command as admin by running taito -a status:prod. Your admin credentials are stored in Taito CLI container image using aes-256-cbc encryption and you need to enter the decryption key every time you execute a command as admin. Keep the decryption key in a safe place.

TODO: support for U2F/YubiKey?

Next: 5. Configuration

1. Introduction
2. Installation and upgrade
3. Quick start
4. Usage
5. Configuration
6. Continuous integration and delivery
7. Infrastructure management
8. ChatOps
9. Custom commands
10. Custom plugins
11. Custom project templates
12. Taito CLI development