1. Introduction2. Installation and upgrade3. Quick start4. Usage5. Configuration6. Continuous integration and delivery7. Infrastructure management8. ChatOps9. Custom commands10. Custom plugins11. Custom project templates12. Taito CLI development

9. Custom commands

You can run any script defined in your project root package.json or Makefile with Taito CLI. Just add some scripts to your file, and enable the npm or make plugin in your Thus, you can use Taito CLI with any project, even those that use technologies that are not supported by any of the existing Taito CLI plugins.

When adding commands to your package.json or Makefile, you are encouraged to follow the predefined command set that is shown by running taito -h. The main idea behind Taito CLI is that the same predefined command set works from project to project, no matter the technology or infrastructure. For example:

"taito-install": "npm install && ant retrieve",
"start": "java -cp .",
"init": "host=localhost npm run _db -- < dev-data.sql",
"init:clean": "npm run clean && npm run init",
"open-app": "taito util browser http://localhost:8080",
"open-app:dev": "taito util browser http://mydomain-dev:8080",
"info": "echo admin/password, user/password",
"info:dev": "echo admin/password, user/password",
"status:client": "url=localhost/client npm run _status",
"status:server": "url=localhost/server npm run _status",
"status:server:dev": "url=mydomain-dev/client npm run _status",
"status:server:dev": "url=mydomain-dev/server npm run _status",
"db-connect": "host=localhost npm run _db",
"db-connect:dev": "host=mydomain-dev npm run _db",
"db-connect:test": "host=mydomain-test npm run _db",
"db-connect:stag": "host=mydomain-stag npm run _db",
"db-connect:prod": "host=mydomain-prod run _db",
"_db": "mysql -u myapp -p myapp -h ${host}",

You can also override an existing Taito CLI command in your file by using taito- as script name prefix. For example the following npm script shows the init.txt file before running initialization implemented by Taito CLI plugins. The -z flag means that override is skipped when the npm script calls Taito CLI. You can use the optional taito prefix also for avoiding conflicts with existing script names.

"taito-init": "less init.txt && taito -z init"

All npm commands are run inside the Taito CLI docker container by default. Use taito-host- prefix to run the command directly on host instead:

"taito-host-example": "echo 'taito example' command is run on host"

Instead of implementing custom commands in package.json or Makefile, you can also implement a set of Taito CLI plugins for the infrastructure in question (see the next chapter).

TODO: command name conventions.

Next: 10. Custom plugins

1. Introduction
2. Installation and upgrade
3. Quick start
4. Usage
5. Configuration
6. Continuous integration and delivery
7. Infrastructure management
8. ChatOps
9. Custom commands
10. Custom plugins
11. Custom project templates
12. Taito CLI development