1. Introduction2. Installation and upgrade3. Quick start4. Usage5. Configuration6. Continuous integration and delivery7. Infrastructure management8. ChatOps9. Custom commands10. Custom plugins11. Custom project templates12. Taito CLI development

3. Quick start

Setting up infrastructure

You should skip setting up infrastructure in the following situations:

  • You want to run your projects only locally for now.
  • Your organization is already using Taito CLI. In such case you should use the existing infrastructure, and ask for taito configuration settings from your colleagues and copy-paste the settings to your ~/.taito/ file.
  • You already have an existing infrastructure, but no Taito CLI configurations for it. In such case, you should execute the following steps, but skip the step 2.

You can create a new zone with the following steps:

  1. Create a new zone configuration based on one of the infrastructure templates. For example:

    cd devops # New or existing git repository for infrastructure configurations
    taito zone create gcp
    cd my-zone
    EDIT *.yaml
  2. Apply infrastructure configuration by running the following command, and follow instructions. This creates you a zone; typically consisting of a Kubernetes cluster, database clusters, object storage buckets, container registry, virtual private network, and some settings related to logging, monitoring, and IAM.

    taito auth
    taito zone apply

    TIP: If you encounter an error while running Terrafom, just try to run taito zone apply again.

  3. View the created resources on your cloud provider dashboard:

    taito open dashboard

    RECOMMENDATION: Use the dashboard for viewing only. If you need to make changes to the infrastructure, make changes to the zone configuration files, and run taito zone apply to apply the changes. This way you can keep all your infrastructure configurations in version history (infrastructure as code).

  4. Commit your zone configuration files to some git repository.

    RECOMMENDATION: Create one git repository for all of your zones, and give write permission for DevOps personnel only.

  5. Display project template settings with taito project settings and copy-paste the settings to your ~/.taito/ file. You'll need these settings when you create a new project for the zone.

    taito -q project settings >> ~/.taito/

    TIP: Your default configuration is located in ~/.taito/ You can also have additional configurations, e.g. ~/.taito/

Setting up a new project

Local development environment (local)

  1. Create a new project based on one of the project templates. For example:

    taito project create full-stack-template
    cd acme-myproject

    TIP: You can choose some other than default configuration with -o, for example: taito -o company-x project create full-stack-template.

  2. Clean start the local development environment with the following command. This typically initializes your local secrets, installs some libraries, builds and starts containers, and initializes your database with tables and some data. Secret default values are typically copied from dev environment, if available.

    taito develop

    In case of trouble, run taito trouble. Sometimes taito develop might fail and hopefully taito trouble helps.

  3. Open application web UI on your browser:

    taito open client
  4. Connect to the database:

    taito db connect

Apply project wide settings

If you skipped the setting up infrastructure part before, now is the right time to create the zone, and to update your project with the correct settings by running taito project upgrade.

  1. View organization specific conventions, and follow instructions:

    taito open conventions
  2. Apply project wide settings:

    taito project apply

Development environment (dev)

  1. Make sure your authentication is in effect:

    taito auth:dev
  2. Create dev environment with the following command. This typically creates a database and some cloud resources (e.g. storage buckets), initializes secrets, and sets up the CI/CD pipeline. Note that if you are not the one who created the infrastructure, you might not have enough permissions to create new environments in it, unless you were given such permissions separately.

    taito env apply:dev
  3. Trigger the first CI/CD deployment by committing and pushing changes to dev branch (you can do this with git tools also). Note that you should write your commit message according to Conventional Commits:

    taito stage                   # Or just: git add .
    taito commit                  # Or just: git commit -m 'chore: configuration'
    taito push                    # Or just: git push
  4. Show build status on browser:

    taito open builds:dev
  5. Show status of dev environment:

    taito status:dev
  6. Open application web UI running on dev environment:

    taito open client:dev
  7. Show credentials for signing in (basic auth):

    taito info:dev
  8. Tail logs of server container running on dev environment:

    taito logs:server:dev
  9. Initialize dev environment database with some development data:

    taito init:dev
  10. Connect to the dev environment database:

    taito db connect:dev

Production environment (prod)

  1. Make sure your authentication is in effect:

    taito auth:prod
  2. Create production environment:

    taito env apply:prod
  3. Merge changes between environments: dev -> ... -> prod (you can do this with git tools also, but always use fast-forward when merging between environment branches):

    taito env merge:dev prod
  4. Show production environment build status on browser:

    taito open builds:prod
  5. Open application web UI running on prod environment:

    taito open client:prod
  6. Show release notes for the first production release you just made:

    taito open releases

    Semantic-release library requires version control personal access token (GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket) for accessing the version control API. Release notes will be generated only if you configured the token during the zone creation, or you configured VC_TOKEN environment variable for your CI/CD pipeline.

Taito command reference

Run taito -h to show more taito commands that you can use, or see the help.txt. Check also the file located at your project root folder.

Next: 4. Usage

1. Introduction
2. Installation and upgrade
3. Quick start
4. Usage
5. Configuration
6. Continuous integration and delivery
7. Infrastructure management
8. ChatOps
9. Custom commands
10. Custom plugins
11. Custom project templates
12. Taito CLI development