1. Starting a new project2. Local development3. Version control4. Project management5. Remote environments6. Environment variables and secrets7. Databases and files8. Cloud services and Terraform9. full-stack-template specific details10. Production setup11. Running in production12. Creating a custom command13. Creating a custom plugin14. Creating a custom template15. Creating a zone16. Zone maintenance17. Zone monitoring18. Zone recoveryAPPENDIX A: Technology tutorialsAPPENDIX B: Software designAPPENDIX C: Modern server infrastructureAPPENDIX D: SecurityAPPENDIX E: Data protection and privacy (GDPR)

PART II: Environments

TODO: If zone does not yet exist, see chapter... TODO: Project configs not ok if zone has not yet been created

5. Remote environments

TODO describe environments:

  • f-NAME: feature
  • local: local development
  • dev: development
  • test: testing
  • stag: staging
  • canary: canary (runs side-by-side with production)
  • prod: production

TODO hotfix branches

TODO existing playground project -> destroy environments first.

5.1. Create dev environment

Note that if you are not the one who created the infrastructure, you might not have enough permissions to create new environments in it, unless you were given such permissions separately.

Make sure your authentication is in effect (just in case):

taito auth:dev

Create the dev environment:

taito env apply:dev            # Create the dev environment
taito push                     # Push some changes to the dev branch

Make sure it works ok:

taito open builds              # Watch it build and deploy automatically
taito open status:dev          # Check status of dev environment
taito open client:dev          # Open application GUI
taito info:dev                 # Show details for logging in
taito db connect:dev           # Connect to database
taito open storage:dev         # Open storage bucket
taito open logs:dev            # Open logs

The first CI/CD build will take some time. Subsequent builds are faster as they use a previous build as cache.

CI/CD deploys database migrations automatically, but not any data. You can manually deploy both database migrations and example data from database/data/dev.sql with taito init:dev or taito init:dev --clean. You can also import data from any sql file with taito db import:dev FILE.

5.2. Run integration and e2e tests manually againts the dev environment

CI/CD runs integration and e2e tests automatically against the dev environment, because ci_exec_test=true for dev enviroment in taito-config.sh. You can run tests against the dev environment also yourself:

taito test:dev

5.3. Create test environment

Make sure your authentication is in effect (just in case):

taito auth:test

Create the test environment:

EDIT scripts/taito/project.sh      # Add 'test' to 'taito_environments'
taito env apply:test               # Create the test environment
taito env merge:dev test           # Merge changes from dev to test

Make sure it works:

taito open builds                  # Watch it build and deploy automatically
taito open status:test             # Check status of test environment
taito open client:test             # Open application GUI

CI/CD deploys database migrations automatically, but not any data. You can manually deploy both database migrations and example data from database/data/test.sql with taito init:test or taito init:test --clean. You can also import data from any sql file with taito db import:test FILE.

5.4. Create production environment

Configure domain name for prod environment in scripts/taito/env-prod.sh. If you want to go with the default domain name, just copy the taito_default_domain to taito_domain.

# Production domain name (e.g. mydomain.com)

# Default domain name (copy value to taito_domain if custom name is not required)

OPTIONAL: Configure DNS for your non-default domain name. You can display the default IP address with taito env info:prod.

OPTIONAL: Disable basic authentication for production environment in scripts/taito/env-prod.sh:

# Disable production environment basic auth by setting this to false

Make sure your authentication is in effect (just in case):

taito auth:prod

Create the environment:

taito env apply:prod           # Create the prod environment
taito env merge:test prod      # Merge changes from test to prod

Make sure it works:

taito open builds              # Watch it build and deploy automatically
taito open status:prod         # Check status of prod environment
taito open client:prod         # Open application GUI

CI/CD deploys database migrations automatically, but not any data. You can manually import data from any sql file with taito db import:prod FILE. You should not use taito init:prod command with a live production environment that already contains some important data.

At this point your production environment already exists. However, before releasing it to the real end-users, you might want to do some additional tasks that are explained in chapter 10. Production setup.

5.5. Create canary environment

Canary environment is a special environment that uses production environment resources: databases, storage buckets, secrets and external services. That is, if you deploy your application to the canary environment, your application will run side-by-side with the production version of the application, and it will also use all the same resources.

NOTE: Since canary environment uses production resources, you don't need to run taito env apply:canary when creating the environment.

Create the canary environment:

EDIT scripts/taito/project.sh       # Add 'canary' to 'taito_environments'
taito env merge:test canary        # Merge changes from test to canary

Make sure it works:

taito open builds                  # Watch it build and deploy automatically
taito open status:canary           # Check status of canary environment
taito open client:canary           # Open canary application GUI
taito open client:prod             # Open production application GUI
** Create some posts in the production app **
** Resfresh the posts page in the canary app -> you'll see the new posts **

And how this works exactly? Well, the canary environment is mapped to production resources in taito-config.sh with these lines:

# Environment mappings
taito_env="${taito_env/canary/prod}" # canary -> prod

5.6. Deploy changes through multiple environments (dev -> canary)

taito push                       # Push some changes to the dev branch
taito env merge:dev canary       # Merge changes: dev -> test -> canary
taito open builds                # See them build and deploy

5.7. Create a feature environment


5.8. Delete the feature environment


5.9. Revert application to the previous revision

taito deployment revert:prod

5.10. Deploy a specific version of the application

taito deployment deploy:dev 1.1.0

5.11. Make a hotfix for production


5.12. Debugging

taito open logs:dev              # Open logs of dev environment
taito logs:server:dev            # Tail logs of a container named 'worker'
taito shell:server:dev           # Start shell on a container named 'server'
taito exec:server:dev echo foo   # Execute a command inside the server container

TODO link: Stackdriver log filtering instructions

5.13. Some additional deployment commands

taito deployment start:dev        # Start ci build for dev environment manually
taito deployment cancel:dev       # Cancel an ongoing dev environment build
taito deployment build:worker:dev # Build and deploy worker container to dev env directly from local env

TODO Something about advanced deployment options?

Some of the advanced operations might require admin credentials (e.g. staging/canary/production operations). If you don't have an admin account, ask devops personnel to execute the operation for you.

Advanced features (TODO not all implemented yet):

  • Quickly deploy settings: If you are in a hurry, you can deploy Helm/Kubernetes changes directly to an environment with the taito deployment deploy:ENV.
  • Quickly deploy a container: If you are in a hurry, you can build, push and deploy a single container directly to server with the taito deployment build:TARGET:ENV command e.g. taito deployment build:client:dev.
  • Copy production data to staging: Often it's a good idea to copy production database to staging before merging changes to the stag branch: taito db copy between:prod:stag, taito storage copy between:prod:stag. If you are sure nobody is using the production database, you can alternatively use the quick copy (taito db copyquick between:prod:stag), but it disconnects all other users connected to the production database until copying is finished and also requires that both databases are located in the same database cluster.
  • Feature branch: You can create an environment also for a feature branch: taito env apply:f-NAME. The feature should reside in a branch named feat/NAME.
  • Revert application: Revert application to the previous revision by running taito deployment revert:ENV. If you need to revert to a specific revision, check current revision by running taito deployment revisions:ENV first and then revert to a specific revision by running taito deployment revert:ENV REVISION. You can also deploy a specific version with taito deployment deploy:ENV IMAGE_TAG|SEMANTIC_VERSION.
  • Debugging CI builds: You can build and start production containers locally with the taito start --clean --prod command. You can also run any CI build steps defined in cloudbuild.yaml locally with Taito CLI.

Next: 6. Environment variables and secrets

1. Starting a new project
2. Local development
3. Version control
4. Project management
5. Remote environments
6. Environment variables and secrets
7. Databases and files
8. Cloud services and Terraform
9. full-stack-template specific details
10. Production setup
11. Running in production
12. Creating a custom command
13. Creating a custom plugin
14. Creating a custom template
15. Creating a zone
16. Zone maintenance
17. Zone monitoring
18. Zone recovery
APPENDIX A: Technology tutorials
APPENDIX B: Software design
APPENDIX C: Modern server infrastructure
APPENDIX D: Security
APPENDIX E: Data protection and privacy (GDPR)