1. Starting a new project2. Local development3. Version control4. Project management5. Remote environments6. Environment variables and secrets7. Databases and files8. Cloud services and Terraform9. full-stack-template specific details10. Production setup11. Running in production12. Creating a custom command13. Creating a custom plugin14. Creating a custom template15. Creating a zone16. Zone maintenance17. Zone monitoring18. Zone recoveryAPPENDIX A: Technology tutorialsAPPENDIX B: Software designAPPENDIX C: Modern server infrastructureAPPENDIX D: SecurityAPPENDIX E: Data protection and privacy (GDPR)

2. Local development

2.1. Start the application

The template uses Docker Compose to run your application. All parts of the application, including the database, are run inside containers so that the running environment closely resembles the actual production environment.

Start the application with the following commands:

taito develop       # Clean start local development environment
                    # (Runs 'taito env apply --clean', 'taito start --clean', 'taito init')
taito open client   # Open application web user interface
taito info          # Show info required for signing in to the application

Installation and starting up takes some time the first time you run the commands, as Docker containers and npm libraries need to be downloaded first. While waiting, browse through the Quick start section of the DEVELOPMENT.md file to get a quick overview of the Taito CLI commands.

2.2. Configure your editor

The template comes with some strict linting and formatting rules. You should make sure that your editor is configured to show compile and lint error messages so that you don't need to look at the console output all the time. Your editor should also be able to automatically format code on save. You most have to install at least Pretties plugin on your editor to achieve this, perhaps also some additional TypeScript and ESLint plugins.

Some links:

2.3. TypeScript vs JavaScript

The template comes with TypeScript by default. Many tutorials, however, are written in JavaScript.

If you would like write TypeScript that closely resembles JavaScript, you can disable the noImplicitAny setting in tsconfig.json files:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "noImplicitAny": false,

Alternatively, if you would like to write plain JavaScript (*.js), you can enable JavaScript in tsconfig.json files (TODO does allowJs support ES6/7?):

    "compilerOptions": {
        "allowJs": true,

2.4. Implement a new page with React

Make up some simple idea that you would like to implement, and add a new empty page for it. If you don't come up with any idea yourself, just reimplement the posts page that lets you add new posts, but replace posts with articles. Don't worry about API or database for now. Just implement a dummy user interface that works, but doesn't actually store data anywhere permanently.

If you are not yet familiar with React, you should implement the UI state management using only functionality that React provides out-of-the-box. Appendix A: Technology tutorials provides some tips and other resources that might be useful while learning React, HTML and CSS. If you already know React, you may choose to use additional libraries like Redux and redux-saga for managing state and side effects.

The application is built automatically in the background when you make changes. If build fails for some reason, you should see errors on your command line console. You should see the same errors also on your editor, if your editor has been configured properly.

You can debug the implementation with your web browser. Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. Other web browsers include similar tools also. These tools let you examine generated HTML, change CSS styles directly in browser, and debug implementation by setting breakpoints and executing code line by line in browser. Note that you can find source code of your UI implementation under the webpack folder: Chrome DevTools -> Sources tab -> webpack:// -> . -> src. See appendix A for some additional browser extensions that might also be useful.

If web development is new for you and you are insterested in it, just take your time learning the web development basics before continuing the Taito CLI tutorial.

2.5. Add a new npm library dependency

Add some npm library to the dependencies section of the client/package.json. Install the new libraries locally by running taito install (or taito env apply). Restart the client container with taito restart:client. Now you should be able to use the npm library in your implementation.

2.6. Commit and push changes to git

Once in a while commit and push your changes to git. You can do this either with a GUI tool of some sort (e.g. your code editor), with git commands, or with the following taito commands.

Committing changes to a local git repository:

taito stage           # Add all changed files to staging area
taito commit          # Commit all staged changes to the local git repository

Pulling changes from and pushing changes to a remote git repository:

taito pull            # Pull changes from remote git repository using rebase and autostash
taito push            # Push changes to remote git repository

For now, you should commit all your changes to the dev branch that is checked out by default. You should also write commit messages in the following format: wip(articles): my short lowercase message. Branches and commit message conventions are explained later in chapter 3. Version control.

2.7. Add a database table

Your implementation needs to store some data permanently. For this, you create 1-N database tables to PostgreSQL database. You add a new database table by adding a new database migration. You can do this with the following commands:

taito db add article -n 'add article table'     # Add migration
EDIT database/deploy/article.sql                # Edit deploy script
EDIT database/revert/article.sql                # Edit revert script
EDIT database/verify/article.sql                # Edit verify script
taito init                                      # Deploy to local db

If you modify the deploy/article.sql after you have already deployed it, you have to deploy the changes with the --clean option:

taito init --clean

The deploy.sql script creates a database table, the verify.sql script verifies that the database table exists, and the revert.sql script reverts the changes by dropping the database table. You can find example deploy, revert and verify scripts in the database/ directory. These migration scripts will be run automatically by CI/CD pipeline when the application is deployed to different environments (e.g. local, development, testing, user acceptance testing, staging, canary, production).

Migrations are executed with Sqitch. See Sqitch tutorial for PostgreSQL if you need further instructions on editing the migration scripts. See appendix A for some SQL and relational database tutorials.

2.8. Add some example data to database

Often it's a good idea to add some example data to database, as it makes development and testing easier. Folder database/data/ contains example data for each environment. Try to add some example data to the newly created database table(s) with the following commands:

EDIT database/data/local.sql   # Modify data used for local environment
taito init --clean             # Populate all migrations and init data to local database

Note that taito init --clean erases all existing data from your local database. If you don't want that, you can alternatively run taito init and ignore all the already exists error messages.

TODO: note about remote environments and taito init:dev --clean.

2.9. Connect to the local database

Connect to your local database and check that the example data exists there. You can do this with the following commands:

taito db connect        # Connect to the local database
\dt                     # Show all database tables (postgres)
select * from article;  # Show all articles (SQL command)
\?                      # Show help for all backslash commands (postgres)
\q                      # Quit (postgres)

If you are not yet familiar with SQL, you should try to execute also some additional SQL commands just for the fun of it. See appendix A for some SQL tutorials.

TIP: If you have installed some database GUI tool, you can run taito db proxy to display database connection details and you can use those details to connect to the local database.

2.10. Modify an existing database table

Normally all database changes must be made using database migrations (option a). However, if you are modifying a database table that does not exist in production environment yet, you can keep the scripts located in database/deploy/ cleaner by modifying them directly (option b). Try the both approaches:

a) With migrations

Add a new column to your newly created database table as a new database migration. You do this just like you added the database table, but this time you use ALTER TABLE clause instead of CREATE TABLE:

taito db add article-foobar -n 'add foobar column to article table'     # Add migration
EDIT database/deploy/article-foobar.sql                                 # Edit deploy script
EDIT database/revert/article-foobar.sql                                 # Edit revert script
EDIT database/verify/article-foobar.sql                                 # Edit verify script
taito init                                                              # Deploy to local db

The deploy.sql script creates the column, the verify.sql script verifies that the column exists, and the revert.sql script reverts the changes by dropping the column. You can find example deploy, revert and verify scripts in the database/ directory. Note that you can also add multiple columns in a single migration script, if necessary. See Sqitch tutorial for PostgreSQL if you need further instructions.

The upside of this approach is that the new column is deployed to all environments automatically. Other developers need to run taito init manually, but taito init --clean is not required, and therefore all data is preserved.

TODO example: posts-images

b) By modifying existing scripts

Add a new column to your newly created database table by modifying the existing deploy script directly:

EDIT database/deploy/article.sql   # Edit deploy script
taito init --clean                 # Deploy to local db

The downside of this approach is that the taito init:ENV --clean command deletes all existing data from database, and the command must be run manually to all environments that already contain the database table that was modified.

2.11. Implement API

Your UI implementation needs to access the data located in database. However, accessing database directly from UI is a bad approach for many reasons. Therefore you need to implement an API that exists between the UI and the database:

UI (on browser)  ->  API (on server)  ->  database

The API should be stateless. That is, the API implementation should not keep any state in memory or on local disk between requests. This is explained in more detail in appendix B.

TODO: Some tips for debugging.

a) GraphQL API

The template supports GraphQL API code generation. Read the instructions.

  • Run taito code generate article to generate code for the article table.
  • Make sure also shared/schema.gql was updated. If not, either there are some compile errors that you need to fix or your server is not running, in which case you should try taito restart:server.
  • Run taito init to generate example GraphQL queries.
  • Run taito open graphql to open GraphQL playground on your browser. Try to execute posts and articles queries. You can copy them from server/test/graphql/generated/queries.

See appendix A for some GraphQL API tutorials.

b) RESTful API

The template supports also RESTful APIs. There is one example at InfraRouter.ts. You can implement a RESTful API endpoint at server/src/core/routers/ArticleRouter.ts if you wish. In a RESTful API a HTTP URL (e.g /articles) defines a resource, and HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) operate on that resource. For example:

  • GET /articles: Fetch all articles from the articles collection
  • POST /articles: Create a new article to the articles collection
  • GET /articles/432: Read article 432
  • PUT /articles/432: Update article 432 (all fields)
  • PATCH /articles/432: Update article 432 (only given fields)
  • DELETE /articles/432: Delete article 432

See appendix A for some RESTful API tutorials.

2.12. Use environment variables for configuration

Your implementation will be run in many other environments in addition to your local environment (testing environment and production environment, for example). Some settings, like database settings, change depending on the environment. You can define these settings with environment variables.

  1. Add a new environment variable for server container in docker-compose.yaml and restart Docker Compose with CTRL+C and taito start.
  2. Add the new environment variable to server/src/common/setup/config.ts.
  3. Try using the environment variable in your server implementation. For example add the environment variable to the /config endpoint in server/src/infra/routers/InfraRouter.ts and see if /api/config endpoint returns the configured value to your browser.
  4. Add the environment variable also to scripts/helm.yaml. The helm.yaml file is used for Kubernetes running on remote environments, but you should add the environment variable right away, so that you don't forget to do it later. You can use TODO as value, if you don't know the correct value yet.

Note that you should not use environment variables to define passwords or other secrets. Configuring remote environments and secrets are explained in part II of the tutorial.

2.13. Use 3rd party services and define secrets

You should not worry about 3rd party services and secrets for now. These are explained in part II of the tutorial.

2.14. Store files to object storage

TODO: As noted previously, no local disk.

TODO: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signing-urls-manually TODO: minio -> S3 compatible (google cloud, etc.)

2.15. Use transactions to preserve data integrity

Data changes made by a service should be atomic to preserve data integrity. That is, if GraphQL mutation or RESTful API endpoint modifies data located in multiple database tables, either all data updates should be completed or none of them should.

a) Transactions with a relational database

With relational databases you can use transactions to achieve atomicity. The full-stack-template starts a transaction automatically for all GraphQL requests containing mutations and all RESTful POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests (see server/src/infra/middlewares/dbTransactionMiddleware.ts). This is a good default for most cases. See chapter 10. full-stack-template specific details if you'd like to know how to customize your transactions.

Try if transactions work like they should:

  1. Add few posts using the UI. Also check that they appear in the database: taito db connect, select * from post order by created_at desc
  2. Edit PostService.ts and add a line that throws an error after post has been added to database:

    const createdPost = this.postDao.create(state.tx, post);
    if (true) throw new Error('error');
    return createdPost;
  3. Try adding some posts on the UI. You should notice that new posts won't appear in database even though the error is thrown only after each post is created.

b) Transactions and multiple systems

Using a database transaction does not always suffice if an operation makes data changes to multiple systems. However, if only two systems are involved (e.g. database + object storage), you can often mitigate this issue just by executing the updates in a correct order. You should make all database updates first and only then write data to object storage. This way database updates will be rolled back automatically if the object storage write fails. In a more complex scenario, you might need to catch some errors yourself and revert data changes manually.

Try this yourself by modifying the implementation that you made in exercise 2.10. Try both 1. and 2., and see how they behave when an error occurs during either database update or object storage write:

    1. write to database, write to object storage
    1. write to object storage, write to database

Some systems support distributed transactions. That is, you can make changes to multiple systems at once, and all of them engage to the same transaction. Distributed transactions come with extra complexity and are rarely needed for simple systems.

2.16. Automatic testing

Test scripts are run automatically by CI/CD pipeline when the application is deployed to different environments (e.g. local, development, testing, user acceptance testing, staging, canary, production). You can also run these tests manually with the following commands:

taito unit                  # Run all unit tests
taito test                  # Run all UI and API tests against locally running application

You can also run a certain subset of tests:

taito unit:client           # Run unit tests of client
taito unit:server           # Run unit tests of server
taito test:server           # Run all API tests of server against locally running application
taito test:client cypress   # Run all cypress UI tests of client against locally running application

You can run UI and API tests also against remote environments, but this is explained in chapter 5. Remote environments.

You should not test implementation in your test scripts. Instead, you should always find some kind of 'public API' that is designed not to change very often, and test behaviour of that API. Here public API can be provided by a class, module, library, service or UI for example. This way you can make changes to the underlying implementation, and the existing tests protect you from breaking anything.

TODO: TDD or not, prototyping at beginning of the project TODO: Running tests in production

a) Create user interface test

full-stack-template uses Cypress for automatic user interface tests.

  1. Open the Cypress UI with taito cypress:client and run all existing Cypress tests by pressing the Run all specs -button.
  2. Create tests for you UI. See the client/test/integration/posts.spec.js as an example. The following resources provide some useful instructions for writing Cypress tests:

TIP: By default, Cypress tests are end-to-end tests. That is, they test functionality all the way from the UI to the database. This is not always a good thing. Your tests may become fragile if they are dependent on 3rd party services or on data that you cannot easily control during the test run. Your tests may also perform poorly, and you easily test the same functionality twice if you already have API tests in place. See Network Requests for more information.

b) Create API test

The api test examples use Jest as testing framework.

  1. Run all existing API tests with taito test:server.
  2. Create some tests for your API. See examples at server/test/core. The following resources provide some useful instructions for writing tests:


c) Create unit test

The full-stack-template differentiates unit tests from all other tests by using unit as filename suffix instead of test. A unit test does not require a running environment. That is, no database or external services are involved as unit test typically tests only a bunch of code. You can achieve this by mocking. TODO mock link.

The unit test examples use Jest as testing framework.

  1. Run all existing unit tests with taito unit.
  2. Create unit tests for your TODO. See the TODO as an example. The following resources provide some useful instructions for writing tests:


2.17. Try some additional taito commands

taito open git                 # Open git repository on browser
taito open project             # Open project management on browser
taito open docs                # Open project documentation on browser
taito open apidocs             # Open generated api documentation on browser
taito open ux                  # Open UX guides and layouts on browser

taito size check:client        # Analyze size of the client
taito dep check:server        # Check dependencies of the server
taito code check:server        # code check quality ot the server

taito trouble                  # Display troubleshooting
taito workspace kill           # Kill all running processes (e.g. containers)
taito workspace clean          # Remove all unused build artifacts (e.g. images)

2.18. Read some software design basics

If you did not already, read Appendix B: Software design for some tips on how to design your application.

Next: 3. Version control

1. Starting a new project
2. Local development
3. Version control
4. Project management
5. Remote environments
6. Environment variables and secrets
7. Databases and files
8. Cloud services and Terraform
9. full-stack-template specific details
10. Production setup
11. Running in production
12. Creating a custom command
13. Creating a custom plugin
14. Creating a custom template
15. Creating a zone
16. Zone maintenance
17. Zone monitoring
18. Zone recovery
APPENDIX A: Technology tutorials
APPENDIX B: Software design
APPENDIX C: Modern server infrastructure
APPENDIX D: Security
APPENDIX E: Data protection and privacy (GDPR)